2 Corinthians (The College Press NIV Commentary)

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Author: William R. Baker

The College Press NIV Commentary Series has been designed for the serious student as well as the growing Christian with features like these...

  • Biblically sound exegesis
  • Clear exposition
  • Objective approach
  • Concise introductions
  • New International Version
  • Keyword translation
  • Easy to use format
  • and more!

2 Corinthians 

Second Corinthians is, in part, a letter of joy, for a report came to Paul that the Corinthians had rejected the troublemakers and wished to rejoin themselves to him.

Heart and passion rise to the surface in this letter. Not wanting to boast about himself, Paul indicates that the Corinthians themselves were his letter of recommendation. He appealed to their firsthand knowledge and experience. Paul also recounted the tribulations he endured to keep spreading the gospel.

The undermining of Paul's apostolic authority provides the backdrop to many issues in this letter. His concerns include:

  • Will the Corinthians even listen since he has been away?
  • Will a repentant man be restored to fellowship?
  • Will the collection falter, or at Paul's encouragement, will it pick up new enthusiasm?

Biblical history records that the collection was completed, confirming that the Corinthians embraced Paul as their spiritual leader in Christ.

About the author: William R. Baker, Ph.D., is a professor of New Testament at the Graduate School of Hope International University. Dr. Baker has earned a Ph.D. in New Testament from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, an MDiv and MA in New Testament from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a BB in Ministry and Music from Lincoln  Christian College. 

His book publications include 1 Corinthians (Cornerstone Commentaries; Tyndale); Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement (Vol. 1; InterVarsity; Vol. 2 ACU Press); Preaching James (Chalice); Sticks and Stones: The Biblical Ethics of Talk (InterVarsity); "James" and "Epistles of John" in James-Jude (Standard Bible Studies; Standard); and Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James (WUNT; J. C. B. Mohr).

Textbook for courses: II Corinthians (SIBI Studio), II Corinthians (Classroom Audio)

College Press
William R. Baker