Journey into a Love-Filled Life

Sunset Institute Press
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In John’s Gospel Jesus gives us a vivid picture of how much love filled His heart. We can develop God’s type of love in our own hearts as we journey with Jesus. Love is the first fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and it is no wonder why. 1 John 4:8, “God is love.” The Greek word for “is” in 1 John 4:8 is ESTIN and the word takes us beyond a simple view of God’s activity and embraces His very nature. In other words, in practical terms it means we cannot separate how God moves and acts apart from who He is. Loves is essential to the character of God, and of course, the cross reminds us vividly of this truth. Any attempt to talk of true love apart from God would shortchange the meaning of the word. 1 John 4:12, “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” God’s love yields good fruit in our lives that can be seen and felt by others as we resolve to journey with Jesus. Jesus displayed the greatest act of love this world has ever seen in the laying down of His sinless life so we could experience eternal life. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

When we revisit the cross and see afresh the selfless love demonstrated by the Savior, we are compelled to respond. When we see God for who He is and our Lord Jesus sacrificial atoning sacrifice on the cross for our sins God’s love penetrates deep into our hearts as we commit to follow Jesus. How could we not choose to follow in the footsteps of such amazing love? God’s love, as seen in Jesus, does not just rearrange some things in our life, it changes and transforms us. When the transforming power of God’s love invades our hearts, it leaves us with a nourishing quality that overflows into our relationships and our day-to-day dealings with people.

Chapter 1 – Indescribable Collision (John 1:1 – 1:51)
Chapter 2 – Improving Our Spiritual Focus (John 2:1 – 3:36)
Chapter 3 – The Man Who Understood a Woman (John 4:1 – 4:54)
Chapter 4 – Inescapable Love (John 5:1 – 6:70)
Chapter 5 – Calling Out All Rock Throwers (John 7:1 – 8:30)
Chapter 6 – From Darkness to Light (John 8:31 – 9:41)
Chapter 7 – Where is the Beef? (John 10:1 – 11:57)
Chapter 8 – The Secret and Power of Serving (John 12:1 – 13:38)
Chapter 9 – The Antidote for Troubled Hearts (John 14:1 – 14:31)
Chapter 10 – Living in the Vine (John 15:1 – 16:33)
Chapter 11 – Moving Forward with Prayer (John 17:1 – 17:26)
Chapter 12 – Everlasting Love Gets Messy (John 18:1 – 19:42)
Chapter 13 – The Power That Turns Tears to Joy (John 20:1 – 21:25)

CLARK TATUM has preached for churches of Christ for over 38 years. He holds a Doctor of Ministry, Masters of Ministry, and a Bachelors of Ministry from the Theological University of America. He also has Bachelor of Biblical Studies from the Sunset International Bible Institute, as well as a Level III Certification in Ministry Practice, and a Level II Certification in Biblical and Ministry Studies from SIBI. Clark has authored six other books.

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