Gerald Paden (1924-2015) has valuable concepts to share to help you believe the church must grow. He emphasizes the skills, knowledge, and commitment it takes to see growth occur. His insights were not gained rapidly and superficially in an academic setting nor without the pain of trial and error. Eighteen years of mission work in central and northern Italy, several stateside local works, many years of church growth instruction in Sunset International Bible Institute (formerly Sunset School of Preaching), Graduate and Mission schools, and extensive campaign work, church growth seminars, and congregational consultation on the three continents helped form in him both biblical and practical church growth concepts.
- Leaders in a Growing Church – Church Growth Begins at the Top
- The Whole Gospel to the Whole World – Evangelism & Missions
- Gifts and Ministries in a Growing Church – Why God Gave Gifts to the Body of Christ
- Equipping the Saints – How to Accomplish Ephesians 4:11-16
- Ministering to One Another – The Whole Body Grows as All the Members Grow
- Measuring Congregational Strengths
- Discipline in a Growing Church – The Need for Both Preventative and Corrective Discipline
- Conducting a Church Growth Study – Evaluating a Congregation's Current Status