Christian Home (Speer) - Course Book (Print)
Sunset Institute PressChristian Home is a course that was taught by Charles Speer at Sunset International Bible Institute in its residential program for over two decades. Cara Speer, Charles’ wife, also taught this material in many other settings. As a family they feel strongly about the biblical perspective concerning the Christian home. They are aware that they live in an environment where the biblical perspective of the Christian home has been eroded in its moves and its values and perhaps has been given less emphasis in the home and in the church. There is a changing attitude toward marriage and the home. Long-term commitment is on the wane. This is seen in the work environment and ethic and also in people’s attitude toward the marriage relationship. For these reasons it is very important to give emphasis to the Christian home.
1. False Philosophies of Marriage
2. The Biblical Philosophies of Marriage
3. While You Are Single
4. How to Choose a Mate
5. The Right Kind of Mate
6. Pre-Marital Counseling
7. The Biblical Foundation of Marriage
8. The Value of Meeting Needs
9. The Fifth Need — His and Hers
10. His Fourth Need — Peace and Quiet
11. Her Fourth Need — Financial Security
12. His Third Need — Her Third Need
13. Decision-Making in Marriage
14. His and Her Second Need
15. Conflict Resolution
16. His First Need — Her First Need
17. Society’s Lies About Sex
18. The Soul of Marriage
19. Preparing for Children
20. Pillars of Purposeful Parenting
21. Parental Commitment to Purposeful Parenting
22. Traits of a Healthy Home (1)
23. Traits of a Healthy Home (2)
24. The Gift of a Disciplined Lifestyle