The Christian Home (Wilson) - Course Study Guide (Print)

Sunset Institute Press
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An in-depth study by Ken Wilson to examine some of the characteristics of the pattern God established for a Christian home.



Lesson 1:     God's Pattern for Marriage

Lesson 2:     Problems in Marriage

Lesson 3:     Considering a Wife's Needs

Lesson 4:     Considering a Man's Needs

Lesson 5:     The Boundaries in Marriage

Lesson 6:     The Purpose of Parenting

Lesson 7:     The Significance of Fathers

Lesson 8:     Birth Ordering and Parenting

Lesson 9:     The Functions of the Home

Lesson 10:  Communication That Cares

Lesson 11:  Building Strong Families

Lesson 12:  The Home of the Soul


As members of God’s church, we have the responsibility of establishing and maintaining proper human relationships. We must consider the need today for proper husband-wife relationships. Never has there been a greater need! It is estimated that an average three out of five marriages will end in divorce in America each year. We must realize that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). The situation is desperate even in the church today. The apostle Paul gave the Ephesians the ideal pattern – and it will still work today (Ephesians 5:21-33).

God has alwaysrequired “submission” in marriage (Genesis 2:21-25; 3:13-19). He has always provided for a line of authority and responsibility. The very idea of some kind of rank or leadership in the church or the home has been a staple in God’s plan for man. Such leadership is essential to any well-ordered society. Even in Jesus’ work, it is stated, “the head of Christ is God” (I Corinthians 11:3). In government someone must be in charge; else, there will be anarchy. In the church someone must provide spiritual leadership, otherwise there will be confusion, false teaching, and chaos (Hebrews 13:7,17). In business, schools, clubs, all group activity,someone must lead in order to accomplish unity and success in their endeavors. The same principle is applicable to the home (ITimothy 3:4-5; Ephesians 5:23; I Corinthians 11:3). God has always required order and discipline (I Corinthians 14:40). God has always required someone to lead.

Sunset International Bible Inst.