Gospel of John Video Series - Doyle Gilliam (Digital Streaming & Download)
Sunset Institute PressThis product is for downloading or streaming from YouTube ONLY! If you wish to purchase the DVD version, click here.
Instructor: Doyle Gilliam
This book was written to create faith in unbelievers. Faith that Jesus is the Christ and eternal life could be had through that faith. Jesus claims to be the Son of God and John uses seven (7) signs to show to the world that Jesus is the Son of God and thus deity.
Gospel of John SIBI Studio Course contains 24 lessons. Listed below are the lessons included in the course.
1. Introduction - The Gospel of Belief
2. Prologue to the Gospel (1:1-18)
3. Jesus Begins His Personal Ministry (1:19-51)
4. Activities of Jesus (chapter 2)
5. The New Birth & John's Testimony (chapter 3)
6. A Samaritan Woman & A Jewish Noble (chapter 4)
7. Jesus Heals a Lame Man (chapter 5)
8. Feeding 5000 & The Bread of Life (chapter 5)
9. At the Feast of Tabernacles (chapter 7)
10. Conflict with the Pharisees and Jews (chapter 8)
11. A Blind Man Healed & More Controversy (chapter 9)
12. The Shepherd and His Sheep (chapter 10)
13. Resurrection and Life (chapter 11)
14. The Contrast of Faith and Unbelief (chapter 12)
15. Jesus Shows Himself to His Disciples (chapter 13)
16. The Discourse at the Table (chapter 14)
17. Abiding in Jesus (chapter 15)
18. The Holy Spirit & Coming Joy (chapter 16)
19. Jesus' Prayer (chapter 17)
20. The Beginning of the End (chapter 18)
21. The End of the Beginning (chapter 19)
22. The Historical Resurrection of Jesus (chapter 20)
23. Jesus Appears & Peter Restored (chapter 21)
24. Review & Summary
When your purchase is complete, you will receive an email containing a DOWNLOAD link. Click on it to be given access to:
1. 24 downloadable video lessons in MP4 format
2. A link to all 24 lessons on YouTube
3. A PDF copy of the study guide for this video series
4. A text file explaining COPYRIGHT and PERMISSIONS for use of these materials – PLEASE READ!