Informed: Untangling Destructive Interpretations of Scripture (Print)
Illumination Publishers
Informed is a book about truth and error; in particular, it is about how thoughtful readers of the Bible can navigate the multiplicity of human teachings claiming to be biblical (Colossians 2:8). Many of these teachings are destructive, as unhealthy tangles of opinion compromise the Christian lifestyle. Others simply skew the gospel message. As with the labyrinth of ancient mythology, finding our way can be confusing. Douglas Jacoby and Joseph Harris tackle the most common distortions and misunderstood teachings of the Bible.
Clergy & Laity The Most Common False Construct
Health & Wealth The Gospel of Materialism
Signs & Wonders History and Hysteria
Fear & Fascination Futile Speculation
Rapture & Tribulation Exiting Earth?
Predestination & Perseverance God's Good Pleasure?
Sex & Pleasure The Pursuit of Happiness
Heaven & Hell Instant Rewards?
Zion & Palestine Israel and the Church
Visions & Dreams It's All About Me
Bow & Pray The New-Fangled Doctrine of 1835
Gospel Plus When Guidelines Undermine Scripture
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 136
Size: 7 x 5.25 x 0.5
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 136
Size: 7 x 5.25 x 0.5