Jeremiah - Dayton Keesee (Studio Audio CDs)

Sunset Institute Press
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Course Description

Instructor: Dayton Keesee

The prophecies of Jeremiah come from a heart that is ripping apart in pain for an unbelieving people This study will show us the heart of God and His love for His people. It shows the justice and mercy of God.

The Jeremiah SIBI Studio Course contains 24 lessons on 12 Audio CDs.. Listed below are the lessons included in the course.

1A Prophet of Justice and Judgment
2Jeremiah's Preaching and Rejection
3The Response of Jeremiah to Rejection
4Jeremiah's Life Comes into Focus
5A Nation's Relationship & Responsibility toward God
6Jeremiah's Call and Commission
7A Pleading, Perceptive Proclamation 
8Preview and Peril Presented to Warn
9Remorse, Reminders and Rejection
10Punishment, Pain, Apostasy and Promise
11The Prophet, the People and the Covenant
12Punishment and Protection
13God, the Potter, His Principles, People and Prophet
14God's Explanation for His Actions
15God's Fidelity and the Timetable of Tragedies
16A Lying Prophet, Letters to, and Return of, the Remnant
17Restoration, Redemption and Assurance
18Prison Prophecies of Defeat and Desolation
19Jeremiah's Strength and Zedekiah's Weakness
20Jerusalem Falls, and the Remnant
21The Remnant's Continued Disobedience
22Prophecies Against the Nations
23Judgment on the Nations
24God's Judgment a Divine Directive
Dayton Keesee
CD Audio