Jesus Christ Fulfills Messianic Prophecies (Print)
Desert Willow Publishing"Messianic prophecies are found in the Old Testament and they are thousands of years old. The ancient Jewish rabbis identified these prophecies as being Messianic in nature long before the birth of Jesus Christ. When Christ came, there was controversy among the Jews regarding whether He fulfilled Messianic prophecies or not. Unbelieving Jews did not accept that Jesus fulfilled these prophecies. However, Christianity soundly agreed that these ancient prophecies were fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ.
This uniformity regarding the Messianic prophecies lasted until the time of the Enlightenment in the 18th century. The atheistic leaders of the Enlightenment soundly rejected the vast majority of the Holy Scriptures and especially anything that was miraculous in nature. They completely rejected the concept that something could be foretold such as a prophecy. Since that time, there has been a decline in Christendom regarding belief in the Messianic prophecies. Liberal, critical theologians have followed the Enlightenment icons and have rejected the Messianic prophecies. Many Christian groups do not believe or teach the Messianic prophecies as being fulfilled in Jesus Christ now. However, Jesus said that Moses "...wrote about Me" and that the Scriptures "...testify about Me" (John 5:39, 46). Jesus Christ performed many mighty miracles that were witnessed by thousands of people. He Himself prophesied that He would die and be resurrected from the dead. Over 500 people saw Him after His resurrection. Could such a man be so wrong regarding the Messianic prophecies? Come and weigh the evidence for yourself."
– Victor Vadney
I. Introduction – Examining the nature of prophecy, inspiration, context of the prophecies, and controversy about fulfillment
II. Prophecies and Their Fulfillment – Looking at 59 different Old Testament prophecies and seeing how they were fulfilled in Jesus Christ
III. Conclusion
About the Author, Victor Vadney: "I was born in San Diego, CA, and raised in poverty. Yet God blessed me, gave me an education, and I became a physician. I married my wife Janet, and we have been married now for 40 years. Knowing all this was from Him, we served at the Nigerian Christian Hospital for 16 months after I finished my residency. After returning to the USA, I worked as the Medical Director of the Abilene State School, a residential facility for people with mental retardation, for many years, and retired from there. For the past 13 years, we have been going on mission trips to Ghana. First we planted churches, then we started maturing churches. The Bible is my favorite book, and I thank God that He has given me this retirement so I can study this Book of books in detail." – Victor Vadney