"The journey of Moses is a transformation of how God wants to work in us and through us. In fact, God must work in us before He can work through us. This principle is valid in both the Old and New Testaments. The life of Moses is a trip from being self-centered and wanting to do things his way to becoming God-centered and doing things God’s way. We could say, “Those God Assigns, He Refines.” God refines His faith followers so they can live God-filled lives. God’s refining work in us is both a natural and sometimes a painful part of walking with God. God refines us because He cares about us. Psalm 66:10, “For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver.” Moses will learn through God’s refining process that God’s way is always the right way. God’s refining method frees us from the things that bog us down and keep us from strengthening our spiritual muscles. God’s purpose in refining us is to keep us walking closely with God and experiencing His spiritual blessings. God is at work for His people through His refining process." – Clark Tatum
Chapter 1: The Great Oppression (Exodus 1:1 - 2:15)
Chapter 2: Lessons from the Wilderness (Exodus 2:16 - 4:17)
Chapter 3: The Big Question (Exodus 4:18 - 6:1)
Chapter 4: God is Big Enough (Exodus 6:1 - 8:19)
Chapter 5: The Difference God Makes (Exodus 8:20 - 10:29)
Chapter 6: God Makes His Point (Exodus 11:1 - 13:16)
Chapter 7: God Takes Off the Wheels (Exodus 13:17 - 15:21)
Chapter 8: The Promise of Provision (Exodus 15:22 - 18:27)
Chapter 9: Mountain Meetings with God (Exodus 19:1 - 20:21)
Chapter 10: More Principles to Live By (Exodus 20:1 - 20:17 / Exodus 31:18 - 32:35)
Chapter 11: The Golden Mistake (Exodus 32:1 - 32:35)
Chapter 12: The Long Way Around (Numbers 13:1 - 14:45)
Chapter 13: The Last Mountain Moses Climbed (Numbers 20:1 - 12 / Deuteronomy 32:44 - 35:12)
CLARK TATUM has preached for churches of Christ for over 38 years. He holds a Doctor of Ministry, Masters of Ministry, and a Bachelors of Ministry from the Theological University of America. He also has Bachelor of Biblical Studies from the Sunset International Bible Institute, as well as a Level III Certification in Ministry Practice, and a Level II Certification in Biblical and Ministry Studies from SIBI. Clark has authored six other books.
Click here to read the first two chapters!
Author/Speaker: Clark Tatum
Binding/Media: Paperback
Copyright: 2024
Language: English
Pages: 214
Size: 6 x 9
Publisher: Sunset Institute Press