Leader Strong Churches - Truman Scott (Studio Audio CDs)

Sunset Institute Press
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Instructor: Dr. Truman Scott

In this Series, we will look at churches that produce strong leaders. The format is the presentation of twelve truths that growing churches understand. To the extent that each of these twelve truths are understood and practiced, the churches will grow and develop viable and productive leaders. Many of the problems faced in local churches come out of a failure, in whole or part, to believe and practice these truths. So, each class session begins with the statement, “Leader Strong Churches understand……one of the fundamental truths.

Leader Strong Churches SIBI Studio Course contains 12 lessons. Listed below are the lessons included in the course.




Lesson 1:     There Is a Leadership Urgency

Lesson 2:     The Biblical Precedence for Congregational Leaders

Lesson 3:     The Value of Biblical Leaders

Lesson 4:     There Are Biblical Guidelines for the Development of Leaders

Lesson 5:     Leaders Must Grow a Church

Lesson 6:     There Must Be a Mature Response by Members to the Leadership

Lesson 7:     There Is a Necessity for Mutually Held Beliefs

Lesson 8:     There Is Value in a United Purpose

Lesson 9:     There Is a Central Importance in Exalting God in Worship

Lesson 10:  The Church Must Be Reaching the Lost

Lesson 11:  The Church Must Be "Doing Good” to Others

Lesson 12:  The Church Must Be Eagerly Awaiting the Coming Savior

Truman Scott