New Testament Greek 1 & 2 (Crouch) – Course Study Guide (Print)

Sunset Institute Press
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Required Study Guide for New Testament Greek I and New Testament Greek II SIBI Studio Courses.


Lesson 1. Alphabet, Accents, Punctuation …………….…………………………………..... 1
Lesson 2. Introduction to Verbs – Present Indicative Active ………….…………...………. 5
Lesson 3. Introduction to Nouns – Second Declension ……………………………….……. 7
Lesson 4. Nouns of the First Declension ………………………………………………….. 11
Lesson 5. Present Middle and Passive Indicative ………………………….……………… 14
Lesson 6. Adjectives of the First and Second Declension ………………………………… 17
Lesson 7. Prepositions …………………………………………………………………….. 20
Lesson 8. Postpositives, Personal Pronouns, Enclitics, Present Indicative of eijmi ………….……………… 23
Lesson 9. Demonstrative Pronouns …………………………………………………….….. 28
Lesson 10. Deponent Verbs, Compound Verbs, Present Infinitives, Various Cases with Verbs ………….…. 31
Lesson 11. Imperfect Indicative Active ………………………………………………..….… 34
Lesson 12. Imperfect Indicative Middle & Passive – More uses of kai……………….…… 37
Lesson 13. Future Indicative Active and Middle Principle Parts of Verbs ……………...….. 40
Lesson 14. First Aorist Indicative Active & Middle ………………………………………… 43
Lesson 15. Second Aorist Indicative Active and Middle …………….…………………...… 46
Lesson 16. Aorist Passive Indicative …………………………………………………….….. 48
Lesson 17. Third Declension Nouns ………………………………………………………… 51
Lesson 18. Third Declension Nouns, II ………………………………………………...…… 56
Lesson 19 Participles: The Present, Middle and Passive ………………………………….... 60
Lesson 20 Participles: Continued …………………………………………………………… 64
Lesson 21 Aorist Passive Participles …………………………………………………….…. 67
Lesson 22 Infinitives, Adverbs, Use of Indirect Discourse ………………………………… 70
Lesson 23 Subjunctive Mode, use of ina ………………………………………….……….. 74
Lesson 24 Contract Verbs, first Aorist Liquid Verbs ………………………………………. 78
Key for Beginning Greek Book Exercises ……….…………………….………………….....… 81
Principle Parts of some Verbs ………………………………………………………………….. 94
Paradigms …………………………………………..……………………………..…….……… 96
The Regular Verb ……………………………………………………………………………..... 98
Greek – English Vocabulary ………………………………………………………………….... 99
Index ……………………………………………………………………………………..…… 109


The object of this work is to help anyone who desires to learn New Testament Greek Grammar to do so either in a self-study program or in a class room situation. The approach is to place various types of structures together for easier association.
The lessons are not all the same length, but are arranged for easy learning with a minimum of back tracking to review the same type material. When one completes the lessons in this work, he/she will be able to work through 1, 2 and 3 John and much of the gospel of John with relative ease. Mastery of these lessons will give a basis from which other aspects of the Greek Language may be learned. It is hoped that the study will stimulate an interest in learning more of the Language and to do deeper study of the New Testament itself.
Be assured that a knowledge of Greek will be helpful in your study, but also be assured that it will not answer every question or settle every problem which may arise. Such knowledge will help to deal with questions and problems in a more responsible manner.
Grateful acknowledgements are due to several people, especially the First Year Greek class at Lubbock Christian University for working with me through the first trial. The suggestions and questions raised in that class have helped to work out some of the problems. Special thanks are due my wife, Peggy, for hours willingly given from a busy schedule to help in the typing and constant encouragement to continue working of this project. . Any errors or faults remaining are entirely mine.

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Sunset International Bible Inst.