Philippians - Doyle Gilliam (Studio Audio CDs)

Sunset Institute Press
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Course Description

Instructor: Doyle Gilliam

Philippians is a love letter written to a church that loved and provided for the man who brought the gospel to them. Even though in prison, Paul encourages the church to serve God honestly and joyfully and offers himself as an example of Christian living in adversity.

The Philippians SIBI Studio Course contains 12 lessons on 6 Audio CDs.. Listed below are the lessons included in the course.

1Introduction to Philippians
2Introduction and Salutation (1:1-2)
3Thanksgiving and Prayer (1:3-11)
4Paul's Chains Advance the Gospel (1:12-20)
5Imitating Christ's Humility (2:1-11)
6Shining as Stars (2:12-18)
7Timothy and Ephaphroditus (2:19-30)
8No Confidence in the Flesh (3:1-11)
9On Toward the Goal (3:12-21)
10Character of Heavenly Citizenship (4:1-7)
11Thanksgiving for the Gifts (4:10-23)
12Review and Summary