Deuteronomy reveals Moses' pastoral heart. An Israel's leader, he prepares God's people to enter the Promised Land. With urgency and tenderness, he guides Israel into this new world of opportunity and calls them to:
- Remember the ways they had seen God provide and prepare a way for them.
- Remember the ways God had made them into a nation, a family, and a people to reflect His heart to one another and the world.
- Remember how God gave them His Word, that they might know His character, stand firm in His promises, and proclaim His Name to the nations.
- Remember that God woeks to redeem, restore, and transform hearts so His people might follow His ways, do His will, and worship him alone.
Ultimately, Moses challenges God's people to remember that God's greatest work is a work of heart.
Hello! I’m Monica! I’m a lover of words and a lover of books, but it took me many years to realize that I’m a writer. I take notes. I make lists. I chronicle. I scribble thoughts on countless scraps of paper, in sections of spiral notebooks, and more recently in the Notes function on my phone. I write notes to others (and sometimes I even remember to mail them). I write out passages of Scripture. I write out my prayers for those I love. I write what I’m learning. I write what I’m teaching (which is really what I’m learning). I write from the overflow of my everyday life. And somehow along the way, over the last many years, I’ve been blessed to see all that writing come together in ways of ministry I could never have imagined or sought on my own.
I’ve been blessed to formally write numerous devotions, articles, blog posts, MOPs talks, women’s retreat seminars and keynotes, guided prayer experiences, adult small group curriculum, and women’s Bible study materials, along with countless informal opportunities to serve others through writing in the church and secular worlds.
Who knew the Lord would take those years of reading the dictionary for fun (looking at you 4th thru 6th grade) and bring them together with the years of reading God’s Word for delight (looking at you young adult to forever), and form a ministry calling? God knew. He called me to be His and saved me by His grace, and then He called me to share His gospel with the world. I’m on a mission to share His grace with all who will listen. I’m on a mission to be sure that others know the Word of God and the God of the Word more fully. And I’m on a mission to be faithful to sharing words that point to our healer, restorer, deliverer, and reconciler, and to encourage and challenge others to do the same.
How can I serve you with these words?
Size: 11 x 8.5 x 0.5
Binding: Paperback
Page count: 208 Pages