The phrase “separation of church and state”
is not even found in the Constitution!
The revisionist version of America’s history fails to discern the distinction made by the Founders between religious tolerance on the one hand, and their firm belief in the priority of the Christian religion on the other.
Noah Webster
Father of American Scholarship and Education / Authored The American
Dictionary of the English Language
“[O]ur citizens should early understand that the
genuine source of correct republican principles is
the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the
Christian religion…. [T]he religion which has
introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ
and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety, and
benevolence; which acknowledged in every person a
brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights.
This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our
free constitutions of government….” (History of the
United States , pp. v, 274).
- Language:
- English
- Tapes/Discs:
- 1
- Occasion:
- Church Bible Class
- Author/Speaker:
- Dave Miller, Ph.D.
- Format:
- DVD Video