Shepherding the Flock of God (PDF, Kindle and Apple Books Downloads)
Sunset Institute PressShepherding the Flock of God (Download Version Only!)
A Practical Guide to Becoming & Being an Elder
"The guiding principle of this book is allowing the Bible to be our guide in learning the task of the church's elders in shepherding. Much of what we think we know about this often comes more from our congregational traditions than from Scripture, and that needs to change. We need to take a long, hard look at what Scripture says, confident that it does equip us for every good work, as Paul claims that it does.
One thing that sets this book apart from others on this subject is the attempt to discuss aspects of shepherding that are often overlooked. The qualifications we have worked over endlessly. But what about the importance of shepherds having a strong spiritual life? And the importance of maintaining integrity in their leadership? What decisions should elders make, and which should they not make, and what are the criteria for making any decisions? And what about the seriously neglected aspect of church leadership that we call church discipline? And, while we all acknowledge the important role of elders' wives in sharing with them in an effective ministry, when have you encountered a study of the role of these women? I have attempted to address all of these topics, as well as numerous other questions of a practical nature."
– by James T. (Tommy) South
1. The Need for “Faithful Men”
2. What Shepherds Should Be and Do
3. The Shepherd’s Spiritual Life
4. The Shepherd and the Word
5. The Shepherd’s Authority
6. Maintaining Integrity
7. Delegating to Avoid Distraction
8. Meetings — When & Why
9. Shepherds and Decision-Making
10. Shepherding the Sick
11. Shepherding Those Who Stray
12. Leading the Church in Discipline
13. The Shepherd and the Wolf
14. The Shepherd’s Wife
Appendix A: Qualities of Elders
Appendix B: What Makes a Shepherd “Good”?
CLICK HERE to read the first two chapters.
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