Ladies classes can examine and discuss tough issues in the church that are unnoticed, isolated, or ignored. Brenda's ''get real'' approach is frank and convicting. A ''storms'' survivor herself, she lets the Bible speak through her words of experience to help Christian women in personal trials and church problems, including serving those enduring long-term illnesses. We need the network of support that God gives us in the church. Let's open our hearts and set our feet to walk side-by-side with those in Christ ''through all kinds of weather!''
''When you have finished this course, you will be richer—not in dollars, but in friendships. Side by Side can then become your reference of survival. God's family is the best support system in the world; living His way sends blessings beyond your wildest dreams; and some of the best blessings are right beside you.'' — Brenda Barnes Poarch
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Author/Speaker: Brenda Poarch
Binding/Media: Paperback
Copyright: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-94512-70-9-0
Language: English
Pages: 143
Size: 6 x 9
Publisher: Publishing Designs, Inc.