OUT OF THE IMMENSE MORAL DARKNESS of the Judges period comes a story of romance, redemption, and hope. the tale of Ruth has inspired countless generations. But Ruth isn't the star in this romantic drama; center stage belongs t God and his providence. Naomi and Ruth traveled the Bethlehem Road--one of famine, abandonment, grief, and loss--unaware that the Lord had gone before them t redeem their heartache.
If you've been living with a broken heart--if bitterness and disappointment have been your travel companions on life's journey--then Ruth's story will inspire and strengthen you as you travel the Bethlehem Road.
- Author/Speaker:
- Michael Whitworth
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Copyright:
- 2014
- Edition:
- First
- 9780988512191
- Language:
- English
- Pages:
- 112
- Publisher:
- Start 2 Finish