The Elements of Preaching is a simple introduction to the art and practice of preaching. It is a good first book to read for those just beginning or considering serving in the pulpit. Check out some of our other books on preaching for more help on preparing and delivery of the sermon: Books on Preaching
“The dictionary defines "elements" as "the simplest principles of a subject of study." It is with this definition in mind that we have written this book. Our aim is to present simply and clearly the fundamentals of preaching.
This is not a book on how to prepare sermons. We now have more of these than we need. Nor is this a book advocating any special approach to preaching. Rather, our purpose is to spell out the basics that the preacher must grasp before he can adequately begin to use what the other books teach.
In short, we want this book to be to preaching what The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White, is to writing. The emphasis is on the fundamentals.
We have read and discussed numerous books on preaching, and, we think, benefited from them. We have listened to preachers and have preached a few sermons ourselves. The senior member of this team even dared to teach preaching in the seminary classroom!
Our conclusion is that the multitude of books, seminars, cassettes, lectures, and "preaching helps" gives the impression that preaching must be a complicated and burdensome task. We hope to convince you that, while preaching is not easy, its elements are really quite simple, and the application of them can bring real joy to your heart.”
– Warren Wiersbe & David Wiersbe
Warren W. Wiersbe was best known as a Bible teacher, author, and conference speaker. He ministered in churches and conferences in Canada, Central and South America, Europe, and the United States. He wrote more than 150 books and was awarded the Gold Medallion Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. His BE Series commentaries on every book of the Bible continue to be very popular.
David W. Wiersbe has been a church minister for over thirty years and is currently serving his fourth church. He considers ministry to the grieving to be an important part of his calling and has worked with fire and rescue units, as well as local support groups for the grieving. He is the author The Dynamics of Pastoral Care, as well as coauthor of four books with his father.
Author/Speaker: Warren Wiersbe & David Wiersbe
Binding/Media: Paperback
Copyright: 1986
ISBN: 978-0-8423-0757-4
Language: English
Pages: 109
Size: 4.2 x 7
Publisher: Tyndale House
- Author/Speaker:
- Warren W. Wiersbe, David Wiersbe