This 48 page study guide provides 12 lessons on the nature, variety and significance of the miracles of Jesus. It was taught at the Sunset Church of Christ in 2019. A CD containing the MP3 audio of the 12 lessons is also available as a separate purchase.
1 Introduction: The Miracle Worker
What is a miracle? And are the Gospels real history?
2 The Works That No One Else Did
The unique nature and characteristics of the miracles Jesus did
3 The Works That I Do Testify About Me
The purposes of His miracles
4 Healing Every Disease and Sickness
The wide range of diseases and sicknesses He healed
5 The Lame Walking and the Blind Seeing
Jesus healed the lame, crippled, blind, deaf and paralyzed
6 Peace! Be Still!
His miracles involving nature and the natural world
7 Come Out of Him!
Jesus battled the spiritual forces of evil
8 Little Girl, Get Up!
Jesus used His power to raise the dead
9 Seeing the Glory of God
The resurrection of Lazarus and its significance
10 They Still Would Not Believe
Why people would not believe when faced with the evidence
11 The Sign of the Prophet Jonah
Jesus and the Old Testament prophets foretold His resurrection
12 He Is Not Here, He Is Risen!
Walking through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, including the witnesses
ABOUT RICHARD CRAVY: The author has been part of Sunset International Bible Institute since 1996. His education comes from Rice University in Houston, Texas and Florida College in Temple Terrace, Florida. He has served in ministry since 1970 with churches in Texas, Florida, Nevada and California. He retired in 2018 from the Tanglewood Church of Christ in Odessa, Texas after 18 years as the minister and an elder. With Sunset, he works to help move the school forward in technology. He has taught various courses at Sunset International Bible Institute including Church History, Jeremiah, Effective Bible Study, and Gospel of John. He is also a teacher in the adult education program of the Sunset Church of Christ.
CLICK HERE to read the first two lessons of the Study Guide!