Many good men have already written many good books on the subject of baptism. And I do not intend to merely repeat what they have already said. Thus I have sought in this treatise to present a little different approach to the subject: dealing primarily with the identification and nature of the “One Baptism” as it relates to all the other baptisms listed in the New Testament.
The subject of baptism has always been a controversial one, especially the essentiality of baptism as it relates to man’s salvation. But the Bible is very strong and definite on this matter and clearly declares that baptism is essential to salvation and to being a part of the saved body/church of Christ.
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned." (Mark 16:16) "For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one body." (I Corinthians 12:13)
Because of such plain passages on baptism like these, there has been some progress (despite the controversy) amongst the ‘Christian Churches’ concerning the necessity of baptism. This is seen by the fact that many churches now understand that baptism, of some sort, precedes a person’s being saved from his/her sins. Yet, which baptism is being taught in these passages as being necessary? Must a person be baptized in several different ways or elements to be saved? These are the questions before us to which we must find answers; for our very lives depend upon it.
– Gerald Wright
1. The Problem and the Premise
2. Baptism During the Preparation Period
3. Baptism During the Preaching Period
4. Water Baptism in Review
5. Water Baptism Reinforced
6. Identifying and Defining Spirit Baptism
7. The Purposes of Holy Spirit Baptism
8. Baptism of Fire in Review
9. Supplemental Studies
The Mode of the One Baptism
The Recipients of the One Baptism
Results and Procedures After Baptism
Faith Contains Obedience Passages
Baptism Passages
Important Distinctions
The Day of Jehovah