Why God? by Eric Lyons
A total of 35 video lessons on three key topics:
1. Why God? (13 Lessons, 67 min total runtime)
Can atheism logically explain the existence of the Universe and everything in it, or does God exist? Does an honest investigation of the world around us logically lead to a Creator, or does godless naturalism sufficiently explain design, intelligence, and morality?
2. Time, Evolution, and the Bible (11 Lessons, 65 min total runtime)
The Bible is not silent about origins, time, and the sequence of Creation. Time and chronology are also important to naturalistic evolutionists, who admit that if the Earth is not billions of years old, but much younger, then evolution is not true.
3. Is the Bible Contradictory? (11 Lessons, 61 min total runtime)
Skeptics contend that the Bible is unworthy of belief because the authors made all manner of blunders in writing it. Is this true? Did the Bible writers err in penning Scripture?
Eric Lyons is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University, earning a B.S. with a double major in Bible and History, and an M.Min. Eric has served as a full-time member of the Bible Department at Apologetics Press since 2001. In August 2023, he was appointed Executive Director of AP. Eric and his wife, Jana, live and worship in Wetumpka, Alabama, where Eric also served as a minister from 2007-2021 and an elder from 2018-2022.
Eric has authored or co-authored more than 20 books, including The Anvil Rings: Answers to Alleged Bible Discrepancies (Volumes 1-3), The Defenders Series (Volumes 1-4), Reasons to Believe, Truth Be Told, and Wonders of God’s Creation. He’s the current editor of AP’s Reason & Revelation (a monthly journal of Christian evidences for adults) and, for the past 22 years, has served as associate editor of Discovery (a monthly magazine on Scripture and science for kids). In addition, he writes for the Apologetics Press website, which receives millions of page views annually from users around the globe. Eric loves to teach and preach about the fundamentals of Christianity, and frequently speaks at seminars and Gospel meetings around the country.