A Baptism Worth Talking About – Jim McGuiggan (Print)
Sunset Institute Press"Though this little book speaks about baptism, it doesn’t speak about baptism “in and of itself”. In the New Testament (NT) there is no such thing as baptism “in and of itself.” Like faith and repentance or obedience to God’s call, it is always related to Jesus Christ in and through whom salvation is brought to sinners. He alone is the atoning sacrifice and the exalted Faithful One, the Son of God, the Lord of All, and the Coming Redeemer and Judge.
The book doesn’t say that baptism is “the most important” subject we can speak about – far from it! But it insists that baptism is worth talking about, that it’s a critically important issue but that it’s only a critically important issue because it takes as its heart and center, the blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
There’s no suggestion here that the truth about baptism is as large or as fundamental as the truth that God lives and reigns or that Jesus in his faithfulness and as an atoning sacrifice brings salvation to sinners and blessing to the entire human family. No, baptism has no meaning without the massive foundational truths of the biblical witness on which it rests, by which it is shaped, and to which it points.
Still, the sovereign God and the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit have given baptism a place in the unfolding of God’s eternal purpose. That being the case those who love and trust him will give it the degree of importance the Godhead has given it as it relates to personal salvation and the Church’s witness for Jesus before and for the blessing of the entire human family.
In some quarters some are weary of hearing nothing about baptism other than that it is “a requirement for salvation.” In other quarters there’s a revival of interest and a vigorous attempt across church-community boundaries to honor God by honoring the truth he has invested in the baptism of believers.
The aim here is to express some aspects of the place I believe baptism is given in the NT and perhaps to enable us better to honor God by honoring it in its place.
God bless you as you reflect on this." – Jim McGuiggan
I. Is baptism worth talking about?
II. What makes baptism worth talking about?
III. Is baptism necessary for salvation?
IV. Questions for reflection
With his usual candor, wit, and clarity McGuiggan leads us on a fresh exploration of the true meaning of Christian baptism. His concise, logical presentation and compassionate style make this book a useful tool for anyone wanting to explore God's will concerning baptism. His thorough treatment of the related Scriptures makes this book a reference treasure on the topic of baptism.