Bible History 1 - Richard Rogers (Studio Audio CDs)

Sunset Institute Press
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Course Description

Instructor: Richard Rogers

A rich, stimulating and thorough survey study of Old Testament history and geography of Bible events and lands. Covers from Genesis to Joshua. A heavy emphasis on creation, history of the Hebrew family, history of the Hebrew nation and geography of the Old Testament world.

The Bible History I SIBI Studio Course contains 24 lessons on 12 CDs.. Listed below are the lessons included in the course.

1Why Study the Old Testament?
2From the Creation to the Fall (Genesis 1:1-3:24)
3The Mother Promise and Redemption (Genesis 3:16-17)
4The Aftermath of Conflict (Genesis 4:1-8:14)
5From the Flood to Babel and the Old Testament World (Genesis 8:15-11:9)
6Abraham's Journey (1) - Old Testament Palestine (Genesis 11:10-12:8)
7Abraham's Journey (2) (Genesis 12:1-14:16)
8Abraham's Journey (3) (Genesis 14:17-15:21)
9Abraham's Journey (4) (Genesis 16:1-19:38)
10Abraham's Journey (5) (Genesis 20:1-22:19)
11Abraham's Journey (6) (Genesis 22:19-25:18)
12Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 22:1-28:22)
13The Servant in Padan-aram (Genesis 29:1-31:55)
14The Saint in Hebron (Genesis 31:1-35:29)
15The Account of Joseph (1) (Genesis 37-39)
16The Account of Joseph (2) (Genesis 39-41)
17The Account of Joseph (3) (Genesis 41:37-50:26)
18The Account of Joseph (4) (Genesis 45:16-50:26)
19The Land of Captivity (Exodus 1:1-4:17)
20Wonders of Deliverance (Exodus 4:19-12:51)
21The Exodus Experience (Exodus 12:37-40:38)
22The Exodus Experience (2) (Exodus 19-40, Numbers 1-11:3) 
23The Exodus Experience (3) (Numbers and Deuteronomy)
24Conquest of the East Bank (Numbers 21:21-31:54)
Richard Rogers
CD Audio