Bible History 2 (Rogers) – Course Book (Print)
Sunset Institute PressTABLE OF CONTENTS
I. The Conquest of Canaan (1) (Joshua 1:1 – 9:27). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. The Conquest of Canaan (2) (Joshua 10 – 24). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
III. The Judges (1) (Judges 1 – 3).............................. 26
IV. The Judges (2) (Judges 4 – 8).............................. 37
V. The Judges (3) (Judges 9 – 12:7).............................. 51
VI. The Judges (4) (Judges 12:8 – 21)............................. 66
VII. The Judges (5) (1 Samuel 1 – 8)............................ 81
VIII. Saul’s Reign – The People’s Choice. (1 Samuel 9 – 18) . . . . . . . . . . . 94
IX. Saul’s Reign (2) – Rejected by God. (1 Samuel 19 – 31). . . . . . . . . . . . 107
X. David’s Reign (1)(2 Samuel 1 – 6).......................... 121
XI. David’s Reign (2) (2 Samuel 7 – 10) ........................... 135
XII. David’s Reign (3) (2 Samuel 11 – 12; Psalms 51, 32, 103, 116)......................... 147
XIII. David’s Reign (4) (2 Samuel 12 – 24; 1 Kings 1:1 – 2:12) ........................ 161
XIV. Solomon’s Reign (1 Kings 2:12 – 11:43) .......................... 176
XV. The Divided Kingdom (1 Kings 12 to Nehemiah 13) ...................... 192
XVI. The Divided Kingdom – First 100 Years (1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 8:29) . . . . . . . . 203
XVII. The Divided Kingdom – Second 100 Years (2 Kings 9:1 – 15:12) . . . . . . 214
XVIII. The Prophets of the Second 100 Years (Joel, Jonah, Amos, and Hosea) . . . . . . . . . . 226
XIX. Third and Final Period of Division (2 Kings 15 – 20; 2 Chronicles 27 – 32) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
XX. The Final Period of Monarchy in Judah (2 Kings 21:1 – 24:30) . . . . . . . . . 244
XXI. The Captivity in Babylon (Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum & Habakkuk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
XXII. Ezra and Esther (Ezra and Esther) ............................ 272
XXIII. The Book of Nehemiah (Nehemiah). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
XXIV. Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi (Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
This chapter begins the second part of the study of Old Testament Bible history. The first part covered the history of the Hebrew family. It began with the Creation and later centered on Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the land of Egypt. It ended with Israel’s deliverance from Egypt (God used Moses to help His people flee from slavery). While the first part in this series covered the history of the Hebrew family, the second part will cover the history of the Hebrew nation.
After many years of wandering in the desert (after they had left Egypt), the Israelites were finally ready to go back into the land that had originally been promised to Abraham in Genesis 15. This land would extend from the Wadi of Egypt (down south on the border between Egypt and Palestine) to the Euphrates River, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. Israel actually conquered more land than this when they defeated Sihon of Gilead, Og of Bashan, and Balak of Moab during battles on the east side of the Jordan at the end of their period of wandering. They were allowed to inherit that land, even though it had not been originally promised to them.
At the beginning of this second period in their history, the Israelites, under Joshua’s leadership, would conquer the
Promised Land. The land would at first be ruled in a loose confederacy by judges and later be ruled in a tight monarchy by
kings (this study will cover the sins of those kings). The Israelites would then lose the land that had been promised to them in accordance with a covenant that God had made with the people during the time of Moses (cf. Deuteronomy 28-30).
God had told the Israelites that as long as they obeyed His will, they would always be blessed and live in their land. He had said that if they rebelled and served other gods, however, they would lose their land and be taken into captivity (all of this will be included in this study of the Hebrew nation). The covenant had also promised, though, that if they were taken into captivity yet repented and began to obey Him according to the Law, they would be allowed to come back to their land and rebuild their temple. That is exactly what would happen, and those events would mark the end of Old Testament history.
- Author/Speaker:
- Richard Rogers
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Copyright:
- 2006
- 0-9762496-8-5
- Language:
- English
- Pages:
- 307
- Publisher:
- Sunset Institute Press
- Subtitle:
- Covering Joshua through Malachi