Come & See! Study Guide (John 1-11) – by Richard Cravy (Print)
Sunset Institute PressWritten by Richard Cravy, Come & See! is a twelve-lesson study of the Gospel of John, chapters 1-11. It focuses on this Gospel as testimony to who Jesus is. As John said at the end of the Gospel, "These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God…"
Four times in John we hear the expression, "Come and see." This was John's invitation to his readers, then and now, to examine the evidence he presents from his own eyewitness account along with that of other witnesses he introduces throughout the book. Studying John with this purpose in mind is a great way to better understand how the book is organized by John and to benefit the most by studying it.
An MP3 CD of the audio lessons is also available separately by CLICKING HERE.
1. Introducing the Gospel of John
2. COME & SEE: Who Jesus Is – John 1:1-18
3. COME & SEE: The Lamb of God – John 1:19 - 2:25
4. COME & SEE: The New Birth – John 3:1-36
5. COME & SEE: A Light for the Gentiles – John 4:1-54
6. COME & SEE: A Lame Man Walk – John 5:1-47)
7. COME & SEE: The Bread of Life – John 6:1-71
8. COME & SEE: The Water of Life – John 7:1-52
9. COME & SEE: The Father of Jesus – John 8:1-59
10. COME & SEE: A Blind Man Healed – John 9:1-41
11. COME & SEE: The Good Shepherd – John 10:1-42
12. COME & SEE: A Dead Man Resurrected – John 11:1-44
Publisher: Effective Bible Study
CLICK HERE to read the first two lessons of the Study Guide!