From Creation to the Day of Eternity (Hardback Print)
Nevada PublicationsFrom Creation to the Day of Eternity is a classic written in 1981 by Homer Hailey (1903-2000), a most beloved and honored teacher, preacher and writer among churches of Christ in the late 20th century. He was a long-time instructer first a Abilene Christian College then at Florida College, preparing several generations of men to preach the gospel.
In this book he sets forth God's majestic and eternal plan for saving mankind and surveys the Bible's teaching and everything from God's existence to the fall of man to the cross of Christ to the ultimate return of the Savior. As others have said so well, "Brothers, this will preach!" And to that should be added, "It must be preached!"
"There is no theme that should challenge the thinking of man with greater mental and spiritual intensity than God's plan for human redemption. There is no possession entrusted to man that is more precious than his immortal soul, which was created in God's image and is destined to eternal life with or eternal destruction from the presence of its Creator…
From the beginning sin separated man from God and from the tree of life, bringing upon him the consequence of his folly: sorrow and death. But God's grace, flowing from the fountain of eternal love, planned and provided the means whereby the sinner could be brought back into divine favor and fellowship. This eternal purpose and its unfolding and revealing is the theme of the Bible. It has been my purpose in writing this book to set forth the divine plan in simple language, beginning with God and the creation, tracing the plan to its consummation in 'the day of eternity.'"
– Homer Hailey
1. In the Beginning
2. Beginnings… Creation, Man, Home, Sin, Redemption
3. The Promise
4. The Promise and the Law
5. The Apostasy, Captivity and Restoration of Israel
6. In the Fulness of Time – Jesus Christ
7. What Christ Offers Men
8. What Christ Requires of Men
9. The Christian's Charcter and Worship
10. The Holy Spirit
11. The Church of Christ
12. The Origin of Denominations
13. The Consummation
Author/Speaker: Homer Hailey
Binding/Media: Hardback
Copyright: 2013
ISBN: 978-1889243-61-0
Language: English
Pages: 242
Publisher: Nevada Publications