Every life tells a story, which story will yours tell? Someday they are going to take me out and dig a hole in the ground and my wife and children are going to watch this tent be swallowed up by the earth. What will my story, my journey, tell them on that day? I hope they will be able to say along with others, “Thank God, God’s story, God’s journey, became His story and His journey. Thank God for his Christian influence in my life.”
The Apostle Paul in the Book of Philippians connects the dots that will teach you how to live a joy-filled life. You will notice throughout Paul’s writings he lays claim to another person’s story as the defining story of his life. Paul’s mission in life was about trying to get others to travel with him on the Christian adventure. His journey with Jesus was fueled by Jesus' death, burial, and glorious resurrection. Paul submitted to the death and resurrection story of Jesus and it changed his life.
If you were left to author your story and were brutally honest not leaving out any detail, the stories of sin, shame, and failure would overwhelm all other perspectives. God knows this and that is why God edited Paul’s story with Jesus’ cleansing blood and He wants to edit yours as well. The thoughts and concepts I have written in this book have evolved from my years of studying and preaching through Philippians. My purpose was not to write a commentary but to share ideas that can help make an application of what the apostle records for our learning and study.
Chapter Titles:
1. Joy in Relationships
2. Joy is Always a Choice
3. Joy is Possible No Matter What Happens
4. The Pathway to Joy
5. The To-Do List for a Joyful Heart
6. Living in the Joy-Filled Zone
7. Joy Flows Out of Knowing Christ
8. Recipe for Joy Continues
9. The Joy of Keeping Heaven in View
10. You Can Rejoice despite Difficult People
11. The Secret of Contentment Brings Joy
12. People Filled with Joy Are Generous
13. Joy Comes from Trusting Our Father
NOW! Download a sample chapter free by clicking here!
About the Author: CLARK TATUM has been preaching for churches of Christ since 1986. He graduated from Southland Arizona College of Medical and Dental Careers and was working as a certified dental technician when he became a Christian. He holds a Master of Ministry Degree with an emphasis in Homiletics and Preaching, and a Bachelor of Ministry Degree, both from the Theological University of America. He also has a Bachelor of Biblical Studies from the Sunset International Bible Institute, as well as a Level III Certification in Ministry Practice, and a Level II Certification in Biblical and Ministry Studies.