Minor Prophets (Rogers) – Course Book (Print)
Sunset Institute PressSince 1962 Sunset International Bible Institute has been a leader in teaching God’s Word, training local church leaders
and preparing preachers and missionaries for effective ministry. Developed in the laboratory of preacher training and proven in the crucible of practical ministry, the Sunset curriculum has grown to forty core courses used both in our resident school and distance learning applications. In 1989 the Sunset Video Studio was inaugurated to record each course of study in a professional format. Those courses, each with a companion study guide, have been used to teach thousands of individual students and develop a world-wide network of video satellite schools in local
congregations and mission fields.
I. Preliminary Discussions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. The Origin of Office and the Test of the Prophet.... 14
III. The Men and the Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
IV. The Book of Obadiah...................... 39
V. The Book of Joel. ........................ 50
VI. Special Study: “The Day Of The Lord” . ...... 62
VII. Jonah. ................................. 75
VIII. Amos (Part 1)............................ 87
IX. Amos (Part 2)............................ 99
X. Amos (Part 3)............................ 111
XI. Hosea, The Prophet of Love (Part 1). . . . . . . . . . 125
XII. Hosea, The Prophet of Love (Part 2). . . . . . . . . . 137
XIII. Micah, Message of Hope (Part 1). . . . . . . . . . . . 149
XIV. Micah, Message of Hope (Part 2). . . . . . . . . . . . 162
XV. Zephaniah............................... 175
XVI. Nahum. ................................ 189
XVII. Habakkuk. .............................. 202
XIII. Haggai. ................................ 216
XIX. Zechariah (Part 1)......................... 230
XX. Zechariah (Part 2)......................... 243
XXI. Zechariah (Part 3)......................... 257
XXII. Zechariah (Part 4)......................... 269
XXIII. Malachi (Part 1). ......................... 282
XXIV. Malachi (Part 2). ......................... 295
Welcome to a twenty-four chapter study of the Minor Prophets. The beginning chapters will have some preliminary discussions as we try to understand what kind of books and what kind of men are in this study. A study of the prophets, particularly the minor prophets, will enrich the life of anyone who applies himself to learn the teachings in these books. On the other hand, this study will only add to the confusion of those who want to use these writings as a basis for some speculation about the future. The prophets were primarily preachers of the word, “forth-tellers” of God’s word, not predictors or “fore-tellers” of the future. Because God had inspired them to speak, He also inspired them to predict. However, we will see that their primary message pertained to the needs of the people of their day.
- Author/Speaker:
- Richard Rogers
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Copyright:
- 2004
- 0-9755183-5-6
- Language:
- English
- Pages:
- 306
- Publisher:
- Sunset Institute Press