In his coverage of the fourth Gospel Account, David L. Lipe examines the uniqueness in John's record of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Probably writing long after the Synoptic Gospels came into circulation, the Gospel writer did not merely repeat the familiar stories of Jesus' time on the earth. The beloved apostle acknowledged that telling everything Jesus had done would fill more books than the world could contain (21:25). Therefore, he focused primarily on details that only an eyewitness of these events could share with his readers.
At its core, this text is a look at who Jesus is and who He wants to be in our lives. In each chapter, brother Lipe calls attention to a different depiction of Jesus, such as the Word made flesh, the Master Teacher, the Great Physician, the Bread of Life, the Water of Life, the Good Shepherd, and the Victor over death. He can be all of these and more to those who answer John's call to believe and accept the Lord's offer of eternal life.