Most people’s faith is deep, rich, genuine and Uncomplicated, and they wish to keep it that way. It's a joy to be around people with this kind of faith. Such people keep the rest of us from losing our moorings and drifting off into endless striving about words. Others whose faith is just as genuine and deep cannot help asking questions and examining their faith. It's a joy to be around them also. They keep the rest of us from reducing the Christian faith to a vague collection of feelings. They remind us that 'the Church' is more than a nice "club' where nice people get together with other nice people and say nice things as they seek to make everyone nicer. The church is a witness to the nature and reign of God. The first question should not be: How shall I live?' but Who is God and how does he want me to live?' The nature and character of one's God affect the way one thinks about life. The serious study of Scripture is no waste of time though we can't afford the luxury of immersing ourselves in trivia. Fosdick was right when he said that only preachers continue to believe that people come to church to learn what happened to the Jebusites. This little study is intended to benefit everyone who personally involves him/her self in a serious study about larger truths. Hopefully then, the benefit of the study (if it exists) will be passed on to those who cannot dig very well for themselves.
- Author/Speaker:
- Jim McGuiggan
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- Language:
- English
- Pages:
- 32
- Publisher:
- Sunset Institute Press