This is a sermon series of 14 messages on some of the evidences for the existence of the God of the Bible. This series was taught by Richard Cravy, currently Dean of External Studies at SIBI.
All 14 messages are in MP3 file format on a single CD disk.
Lesson 1: The Invisible God
Lesson 2: Seeing Him Who Is Invisible
Lesson 3: Prepared to Give an Answer
Lesson 4: The Evidence of Things Not Seen
Lesson 5: Evidence That Demands a Verdict
Lesson 6: The Grand Design
Lesson 7: Let There Be Life!
Lesson 8: Made in His Image
Lesson 9: Our Conscience Bears Witness
Lesson 10: And God Said…
Lesson 11: The Word of the Prophets
Lesson 12: God With Us
Lesson 13: Who Is This?
Lesson 14: Earnestly Seeking Him
ABOUT RICHARD CRAVY: The author has been part of Sunset International Bible Institute since 1996. His education comes from Rice University in Houston, Texas and Florida College in Temple Terrace, Florida. He has served in ministry since 1970 with churches in Texas, Florida, Nevada and California. He retired in 2018 from the Tanglewood Church of Christ in Odessa, Texas after 18 years as the minister and an elder. With Sunset, he works to help move the school forward in technology. He has taught various courses at Sunset International Bible Institute including Church History, Jeremiah, Effective Bible Study, and Gospel of John. He is also a teacher in the adult education program of the Sunset Church of Christ.
MP3 files can be played on computers, most DVD players, and many current CD players (look for the MP3 logo on your device). MP3 files can also be downloaded to play thru Apple iTunes, iPods, iPads, iPhones, other portable MP3 players, and Android based cell phones and tablets.